Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Fact Bartholomew Kuma King sorbet kingdom One piece

Bartholomew Kuma is a unique character.

He was initially introduced as a threat that surpassed the strength of Gekko Moriah. Meanwhile the Straw Hats could beat Oars and Moriah, every time Kuma appeared, he could always handle the heroes. But it was later revealed that he had been a member of the Revolutionary Forces, and risked himself to save the entire Straw Hat from Kizaru, Sentomaru and pacifista.

Intrigued by this one character? This is a collection of facts Bartholomew Kuma from One Piece!

1. Formerly the King of the Kingdom of Sorbet

as you can see in the new introduction of Bartholomew Kuma above

Eiichiro Oda revealed that Kuma was once the king of the Kingdom of Sorbet. This is interesting, because the children's version of Kuma looks more like a monk boy than a king boy. Kuma himself has the title of a Tyrant. Allegedly any crime that led to him being dubbed Tiran was done while serving as king. Oh yeah, Kuma's position as the former king of the Sorbet Kingdom also seemed to indicate he had a relationship with Jewelry Bonney. Bonney disguised himself as the widow of Sorbet's empress, Connie. But could it not be a disguise? Especially because jewelry Bonney then cried seeing Kuma's fate.

2. Has a Nickname As a King Tyrant

Kuma's nickname is probably Tyrant. 

but what's interesting is that, during its appearance, Kuma was never seen even as a Tyrant. He was never shown to lead vilely, as Doflamingo did in Dressrosa. In fact, he seems to no longer have power, because he always moves on his own. Kuma is also usually polite and willing not to attack people who are not his target. Not only that, Sabo from the Revolutionary Forces remembered Kuma as a kind man. I wonder why Kuma can be called the king of Tyrants.

3. Photos of Kuma's Childhood

Eiichiro Oda once illustrated the children's version of the Shichibukai. 

When looking at Doflamingo, this picture is accurate enough to give an outline of the Shichibukai's childhood. Doflamingo looks powerful, but if you look carefully at the chair he is sitting on, there are traces of stitches and his clothes are worn. This seems to show Doflamingo after he killed his father and started treading criminal lines. Now, this picture of the Shichibukai's childhood shows a child version of Kuma carrying firewood while reading a book. Even as adults, Kuma is always seen carrying a book. It seems that he really likes reading since childhood, huh.

4. Kuma's personality is dead

The next fact is Bartholomew Kuma: this one man's soul might have died.

The last action of Kuma's consciousness is to save Luffy and the Straw Hats from Kizaru. After that, when he appeared again at Marineford, it was revealed that Kuma had become a robot. Just like mass production Pacifista. Even so, Kuma was still given a program to protect the Thousand Sunny until a Straw Hat member arrived. Considering the importance of the Thousand Sunny, of course pirates and the Navy that attacked the ship must be many and strong. But Kuma can still defend the ship for the Straw Hats.

5. become tenryubito's slave

As you can see from the picture below, Bartholomew Kuma is now enslaved by the Tenryuubito.

Tampaknya, Kuma tak dimiliki oleh satu Tenryuubito. Ia bisa disewa bergantian oleh bangsawan-bangsawan tertentu, dalam durasi yang telah ditentukan. Saat Reverie dimulai, Kuma sedang disewa oleh Saint Roswald.

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Komentar Oda sensei selesainya patung One piece perunggu di kumamoto (kampung halaman)

Bagi Oda sensei, membangun kampung halaman adalah suatu kehormatan baginya. Oda sensei pun menyatakan kebahagiannya setelah patung ini selesai dikerjakan. komentarnya seperti ini:
FYI - kampung halaman Eiichiro Oda (oda sensei) adalah prefecture kumamoto. Setelah gempa Kumamoto dua tahun lalu, Oda menyumbangkan uang 800 Juta Yen untuk kampung halamannya.

"Oh, ini terjadi!! oda sensei merasa sangat bersemangat!! Patung perunggu semacam ini, biasanya didesikasikan untuk seorang penulis yang sudah berjalan sekitar 50 tahun. Ketika memasuki sekitar 70 tahun, mereka akan diakui semua orang sebagai seorang Master. Faktanya, oda sensei merasa sangat terhormat telah menerima Penghargaan Kehormatan dari orang orang di kampung halamanku, Kumamoto. Aku mendengar bahwa biasanya mereka akan menanam pohon sebagai bentuk penghargaan. Namun karena aku seorang Mangaka, aku memutuskan untuk meminta membangun patung perunggu.. "
"Jadi, pada 30 November, upacara pembukaan patung perunggu akan diadakan!! Pada saat itu, patung Luffy akan diresmikan. Aku mungkin akan terlibat dalam kegiatan itu!! Luffy ini benar-benar hebat!! Patung perunggu akan ditempatkan di depan gedung pemerintahan Kumamoto. Jika menuju Bandara Kumamoto, kalian akan berkendara selama selama satu jam. Sebenarnya, jika seseorang meminta untuk "Membangun patung perunggu untuk ku", tidak ada yang akan peduli!! Kampung halamanku benar-benar tempat yang bagus. Jika seseorang pergi ke Kumamoto, pastikan untuk mengambil foto patung Luffy ini!!
Gempa Kumamoto sudah lebih dari dua tahun. Selama ini, berbagai bencana telah dialami di seluruh Jepang. Setiap orang perlu bekerja sama dan berjuang melawan bencana dalam kemampuan mereka. Jika sosok Luffy ini bisa membuat lebih banyak orang pergi ke Kumamoto, itu akan bagus.. Karena Luffy orang yang kuat!!

Patung Luffy akhirnya dibangun!! Aku berharap semua orang akan merawatnya dan selalu mencintainya!! Terima kasih semuanya!!"

*Luffy juga bilang soal patung perunggu ini; "Patung Perunggu untukku?! Keren!! Terimakasih banyak!"
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